
Promo and PR Crew 2017 SV VIII

Page history last edited by Aidan Elias 8 years, 1 month ago

Sonic Voyages 8 PR & Promo Crew 2017

Welcome to your crew page. This page is for you to keep a register of your members and work history.               RETURN to 2016 Spring Concert Page


Your objective is to get as many bodies into those auditorium seats as possible. Exchange creative ideas, divide the necessary work into into sequential steps, form workgroups to accomplish the tasks and stay productive by sharing resources and working well together.


Here are some ways that have been very successful in the past:

  • Create visually striking posters announcing the date time and location of the event.  
  • Create brief podcasts that can be played on ACMI (local cable) and over morning announcements to generate public interest.
  • Create a video that generates excitement about the upcoming performance and "teases" with a music sample.
  • Use Facebook or other social networks in creative ways - combine video -posters-podcasts with event announcement. 
  • Prepare a public preview of the performance? 



Note: to add a row, right-click and select "Row>insert row after"


Crew Member Objective Activities Work Date(s) Follow up -Comment
Cullen Malone   to promote the concert with posters, videos, media, etc.
 will do anything
 any day

Tommy Barvick

 Facebook, Posters in and out of school, instagram, announcements
all day every  day   

Aidan Elias

Promote the concert  Posters, emails, social media
 any day


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