
Crystal Z - Film Scoring 2018

Page history last edited by Crystal Zhu (2020) 7 years, 1 month ago

Hello World!


My name's Crystal, and I'm a sophomore at AHS. Besides participating in music tech, I'm also in the orchestra and the honors orchestra. My favorite musical genres consist of rock, EDM, classical, folk, and cinematic.


My favorite band is Two Steps From Hell, and my current favorite song is Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day.


I joined music tech in order to get a better grasp of the technology used for creating music. I want to be able to apply my knowledge of music theory and compose my own songs.


Check out this interesting song: "Marble Machine" by Wintergatan, played on an actual marble machine!



UPDATE 1/5/18:


Hey... I'm back! Here's an updated (but not final) version of "Voyage" (previously "From Loot to Glory") which I edited a while ago, but forgot to post. There are a lot of major edits.



UPDATE 11/11/17:


"Into the Jungle" has been edited once again - this time edits were made so that it utilizes a new soundfont (HQ Orchestral soundfont) for better sound quality. The link has been updated.


Regarding general changes to my page, updates are now posted in chronological order with the latest updates at the top of the page.



UPDATE 11/10/17:


"Into the Jungle" has been edited (mostly dynamic changes), and the link has been updated. It now leads to a .wav file since I can't find my LAME encoder.



UPDATE 10/17/17:


Here is another composition that I just finished today, called "Into the Jungle".


Note that this did take more than ten days to finish. The reason that you see ten days between the last update and this one is because I uploaded "From Loot to Glory" a while after I had finished it's composing stage, and I had already begun working on this one.


Also, I say "finished" a lot, but this song isn't really finished, and neither is "From Loot to Glory". I've finished most of the composing, but both songs still require a lot of editing before they are ready to be published to social media. That's why I would love to hear feedback! Thank you in advance for any suggestions that you can provide.  



UPDATE 10/7/17:


I've finished my first composition for Music Tech this year! It's an orchestral piece, so it's not for the vocal concert. I'd like to say that the song is at its "Alpha phase", because I haven't received feedback on it yet, and would really appreciate any suggestions on how I can improve it!


The song is called "From Loot to Glory".


Again, please provide constructive feedback if you can. Thank you!


(yup, there are bagpipes in the woodwinds section!)


Comments (4)

Emilie Dedios said

at 2:32 pm on Nov 9, 2017

I love your composition! Your work is really well done!

Crystal Zhu (2020) said

at 1:51 pm on Nov 10, 2017

Thank you!

Arminder More said

at 8:45 pm on Nov 9, 2017

Wow, Into the jungle is a very good track! It sounds like something that can be used for a soundtrack to a movie and it can be used for triumphant or emotional moments like that part when you slowed down in the middle.

Crystal Zhu (2020) said

at 1:52 pm on Nov 10, 2017

Thanks! It would be a dream to have my tracks put into a trailer/movie someday... maybe not now but I hope, sometime in my life :)

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