
G7 MLK Concert Display

Page history last edited by Ben T 15 years, 1 month ago

Ben Tulloch (leader)

Byron Johnson (assistant to the regional manager)

WIll Jenkins (Jenkins)

Troy Fotopoulos (the Greek)

Kate Berry (administrative assistant)

Mike Packard

Gus Minter     

Ethan Wynman  (talks smack)

Comments (17)

Kate Berry said

at 7:49 pm on Jan 8, 2010

im gonna write something about the assignment and what people did and all that. also i would like to appoint myself as administrative assistant, because that sounds rather intense. what are other people doing poster-wise?

Ben Wyner said

at 12:23 pm on Jan 10, 2010

hey kate! doesnt it bother you when youre the only one who has posted anything?

Kate Berry said

at 2:35 pm on Jan 10, 2010

get out of here ben.
so this is what i have, i know it sounds a little corny, but whatever, tell me what you guys think.
The Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X project was the first project in which we used audio resources. Using clips from various speeches, we tried to create a rhythmic, musically enjoyable piece that still conveyed the strong messages of black nationalism and civil disobedience.
The public speaking styles of Malcolm X and MLK were easy to cut and combine into interesting rhythms. Some students chose to cut up the speeches to fit their music, others created music to accompany the words as an underlying melody. This project also employed the use of fading in and out, and using software synthesizers. We used volume envelopes to bring some parts of the speeches out or fade them back in different sections. The use of volume envelopes was important to emphasize the messages we hoped to portray in our projects.
After the musical part was completed, some students chose to create videos to accompany their compositions. Using Windows Movie Maker, and images from the web, students put together meaningful clips relative to their music.

also tell me if theres stuff i need to add, or if im not making sense.

Ben T said

at 3:32 pm on Jan 10, 2010

hey kate you might want to try and explain what the things you said are for example explaining what soft synths are and envelopes too or if someone else wants to take that on go for it

Ben T said

at 3:33 pm on Jan 10, 2010

also we need some links to pictures or actual pictures to bring in so start doing some of that people (not kate)

Mike Packard said

at 3:37 pm on Jan 10, 2010


we could use some of these and maybe like compare and contrast MLK and Malcolm X.

JHDiTomaso said

at 3:44 pm on Jan 10, 2010

Who said the younger generation doesn't know how to work together? Kepp hammerin' away, so far so good.

Will Jenkins said

at 5:24 pm on Jan 10, 2010

If there is anything else that needs to be done just tell me. Kate I like what you have written. Its all really good.

Ben T said

at 12:42 pm on Jan 11, 2010

I was thinking of writing something like this...
Our music tech class is compossed of varying grade levels (all ???) which adds an interesting aspect to the project. We have all been learning about the civil rights movement for many, many years in school. However, junior year history is the year in which when we spend the most time concentrating on this historic time period for the United States. The few seniors that take music tech now have the advantage of already gaining this knowledge about the movement in our last year's history course. We are able to use this information and combining it into the way we order the speeches we put in or selecting certain powerful speeches that we learned about last year and putting them into our projects. Even though the rest of the non-senior students have not acquired this information yet, they were all able to create meaningful projects out of these two great men's speeches.

Mike Packard said

at 1:55 pm on Jan 11, 2010

okay what if we had like kate's writing in the middle because it kind of sumarizes the projects, and then Ben's on one side and that could be like the side for the actual history of the speeches and stuff like that. and then the other side could be like a description of the actual musical aspects of it like what you were saying before about soft synths and envelopes and putting their words on the beat. so i could probably write something about that. or if anyone else wants to.. whatevs. but yeah just an idea.

Ethan Wyman said

at 5:09 pm on Jan 11, 2010

Hey its me Ethan, sorry about the weekend and how i didnt do anything. Ill do anything that is needed to be done. I also have a colored printer just in case any1 needs some like pictures printed.

Ethan Wyman said

at 7:30 pm on Jan 11, 2010

mike if u have not written the descriptions of the actual music i'll be happy to do it

Kate Berry said

at 8:21 pm on Jan 11, 2010

yeah sorry i didnt get around to doing the whole soft synths envelopes explanation, i hope things went well today, are we done?

Ethan Wyman said

at 10:56 pm on Jan 11, 2010

ok ill just bring in some pics so we can compare and contrast.

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