Hello, my name is Noah Beutler, I'm 14 years old and a freshman. This year I hope to learn how to use music programs such as Reaper and Muse Score, and to learn how to use the circle of fifths to help me learn songwriting. I play trumpet, guitar, which I am obviously still improving on, but I believe that I'm solid on those instruments. This year I am hoping to begin learning how to play piano and drums/percussion.
I love listening to a wide variety of musical genres, which is why I think I'm so drawn to instruments such as guitar and drums, which are some of the most versatile instruments in my opinion. Some of my favorite genres are alternative and classic rock, jazz and hip hop/rap. I also enjoy listening to movie scores, funk, R and B, etc. Some of my favorite artists/bands are, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, J. Cole, Guns n Roses, Queen, Coldplay, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, John Mayer and many more. What I value most in music is probably the emotion behind it. Since I listen to many genres, I find my self listening to certain genres depending on what mood I'm in. Here are some of my favorite songs right now.
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