
2018 Sonic Voyages IX Performers

Page history last edited by SamG2019 7 years ago

Sign up here to PERFORM IN THE SHOWCASE! Break a leg!!!         

(please also join a crew  - but you will have a significantly reduced crew responsibility)                                                                                


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  • If you plan to perform, I need to hear your performance onstage 1-2 weeks prior to the concert. This will also allow us to do a pre-sound check assessment.
  • Keep track of rehearsal dates here for your group(s)/song(s) so that I can stay informed and provide the resources, support and credit you deserve.
  • Remember also to indicate any stage/audio tech needs
  • use Comments section for other details such as rehearsal notes, requests for help with performance, other changes 


Note: To add more rows - in 'Edit tab' right click left edge of last row and select Row>"insert row after"


Performer Names (total #) Instrument Song (s) Rehearsal Dates Stage/Audio Setup Needs
Example: Freddie Performer and his band  Freddie M, Brian M, and Brian W. (3 perf)  Vocals and Guitar, Ukulele, drums with vocals Time to Fly 1 hour After school Mon Wed Fri and  a 7am rehearsal every Tuesday and Thursday

Microphones for voice and direct line for guitar pickup

Monitor for drummer and vocalists

Evan Barker, Julian Carpenter, Ben Juitt, Di'Tomaso

 Guitar, Bass, Trumpet, Drums

Spider, Jack Frost

 Over weekend with rythm section, and on monday full band around 1:30

Instrument mic, and amps

Ben Juitt   Guitar

Hard To Sleep

 Sometime At Home

Guitar Amp

Sam Goldstein

Voice over backing track 
 Empty Reality
 Tuesday/Thursday/At home

Mic, voice effect pedel



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