Key -
Circle of Fifths/Fourths
Voice Leading
Major or Minor
Major/Minor scales
Chords- triads seventh chords, extensions
Identifying Major, Minor, Augmented, Diminished Triads
Consonance and Dissonance
Melodic Contour
the arch or shape of a melody
Motif - small recurring element often compositionally developed further in the artistic process (motivic treatment)
Literal repetition - to repeat a melody/motif in its original (pure) form
Inversion- a type of repitition but the melodic shape is turned upside down
Embellishment - to dress up a melodic idea/motif, often through the use of "ornaments" - patterned embellishment. examples: the trill, appogiatora and mordant.
Fragmentation - to truncate or use only a smaller piece of the melodic phrase.
Breaking up a subject into small segments, any one of which may form the basis for further development
Sequencing-repeating the same notes but moving them up or down
Song construction or shapes :
Arch Form
Additive Form
Verse 1,
Verse 2,
Chorus, Verse 3
ex. ABACA etc
12 Bar Blues
Recording/Processing Techniques:
Special Effects:
Echo-Reverb and Delay
Flange - Phase
Mixing Techniques:
Create depth in your mix by balancing layers into Foreground, Middleground and Background levels.
* Use Volume envelopes, EQ and Compression.
Frame your mixdown within a second of silence at the beginning and end. Natural decay/resonance at end
Organic Creation: When you have a good idea for a song, don't just start off with that idea and keep repeating it. Build up to that completed piece, or build down from it. Think of a tree, start from the roots and progressively build upward!
Matrix - ordered 12x12 grid where each row or column contains only one of each pitch class.
Prime -reading the row across left-right in either its original form or one of the 11 transpositions
Retrograde-reading a row backwards from right to left. Same pitch classes in reverse order.
Inversion - reading a column downward which yields the same pitch intervals in the opposite direction of the prime row (melody reflected "upside-down")
Retrograde Inversion - reading columns upward from bottom (backward inversion of prime row)
Diatonic-of the scale
Tonic (home) resolution of tension, a period at the end of the musical sentence.
Dominant-using the the leading tone of the key that pulls you home
Subdominant -away from home musically, but not pulling home yet. Sometimes thought of as pre-dominant
Augmentation- to add length to the melodic idea, or to increase duration of notes
Dimunition- to decrease the melodic idea in length, or to decrease duration of notes
Performance Techniques:
Voice Leading
Dynamics - loud and soft
piano (soft)
forte (loud, strong)
mezzo- prefix. modifies following word as "kind of" or medium as in mezzoforte (medium loud)
-issimo - suffix. modifies previous word as "very" as in pianissimo (very soft)
crescendo - become louder
diminuendo - become softer
TEMPO (time) - rate of speed
Beat- pulse that defines tempo
Largo - slow pulse, (beat is large)
Andante - medium walking tempo
Allegro - quick pulse
Articulation- relative degree of accent or smoothness to the attack of a note
Special Effects:
Col Legno
Trans Ponticello
Nesting - 3 or more of the same pitch classes found grouped together in other rows of the 12tone matrix
Integral Serialism - pitch order is reflected on other musical dimensions, such as:
time-rhythm, instrumentation or dynamics
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