
"the bang bad  blues"

Page history last edited by Theo 14 years, 9 months ago

I am a fan of muddy waters he is one of my favorite bang blues boy. his work reminds me of all the hard time he went throughto make a living. he was araised as a slave back in the day of the cotton times.His life was hard .his word in the song "Manish Boy" makes me think he had to sing at a young age. i think when he expresses howe he feels it makes people laugh and cry.but most of all give a an experiance how we listen to his music and how we feel. my less favorite song that annoyes me is when "i got my mojo while working" its make me feel decusded as a women.  i think that back than it was less sexual words in the songs in the past then now.i tihnk we should learn from our ancetory of the blues becuase all our music started back then and gave people inspiration to have more variety in our music today.





Comments (1)

John DiTomaso said

at 3:59 pm on Mar 4, 2010

Hannah this assignment has not come any further since you started it - 3 weeks! Follow instructions please - see "creating your blues page"

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