
Hi Angela Picazio

Page history last edited by Angela Picazio 13 years, 10 months ago



This is a link to the song I will transcribe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnCLFg-vRyI




History Rap Song: Here


He does steel like business dealing,
Iron lay in the dust of Andrew Carnegie
Speaking of oil -- it comes out of the soil
Where John Rockefeller rocks the tenements down

Trust.. they work together right now (right now)
When two companies from the same industries,
Find a way to come to be-
Andrew Carnegie (Carnegie)
To treat your workers like fat
And they'll strike just like that


They don't care, they just want the money, honey
You ain't holding back
You Carnegie, you got money
Why don't give some out, like... 


Like a Homestead strike,  all the workers hanging tight,
but the power machines, they know "Might makes Right" 


And don't get me started on Immigrants
From China, Ireland, to Europeans

Disease ridden, anarchy, political views
Religion, Christin's, lonely Jews


You got women, and the children
men in the build'en
There's a boom in work
and a boom in the Nation
Growth in steel, oil, and transportation


Ten hour work days, six days a week
Low profits? -the futures looking pretty bleak


Like a Homestead strike,  all the workers hanging tight,
but the power machines, they know "Might makes Right" 




Halloween Music... Some-what 





Short Idea




Notes: The History of Film Music
Chapter 1
. Music has been around since the early Greeks and Romans- during the medieval time they would use music to accompany stories of gods and heroes
. A film was added to John Williams' Suite (from E.T., The Extra Terrestrial) to make it awesome and the film was taken to a whole different dimension
. L'Assassinat du Duc de Guise- believed to be the first film score tailored
. Music was not in the films and was played by people as the fim was going
. Most people did not know what time to stop playing or if there was a specific scene that needed a specific instrument to play
.Maz Winkler- made one of the first movies with their characters actually speaking in synchronized sound. It was a tech. advancement that began the modern use of music in movies
Chapter 2
. A composer could provide needed insight into know the emotional and psychological drama through the music
. A composer could compose a piece of music that would accompany the film wherever it was shown
. The shift towards sound pictures meant that thousands of theater musicians would be put out of work
. Adding music to films was an expensive, cumbersome, problematic process
. Musicians had to be placed in a specific place son the wouldn't cover up the actors' lines and could not make any mistake.
. There could be no edits afterward or the music would be ruined
Chapter 3

. Movies became extremely popular and in the summer of 1998 more people bought tickets to movies than in any other summer in history
. Studios were completely self-contained film-making factories where ever aspect of the process was owned and controlled by the individual studio
. The studio employed full-time contracted staff
. The individual studios owned chains of theaters that showed only their films
. Film- journey through the studio assembly line
1. A group (Usually a group would do the work but only one person would get credit) of writers would be assigned to create, complete, and polish the script
2. The directed had all the power. If he didn’t like something, no matter how creative it was, he would get rid of it
. Alfred Newman- headed the music department at Twentieth Century-Fox for many years during the 40’s and 50’s. He interacted with all of the workers and actors.
. The music department head had to be aware of the production schedule of a film
. Today, there is only one composer on a project and everything is contracted outside the studio; everything else is much like the assembly line in the past.
. Composer David Raksin began his career as a film composer working with Charlie Chaplin in 1935
. The budget and importance of the project would be determine quality of the music and the amount of time given to write
Chapter 4
. Between 1930 and 1950- Known as the "Golden Age of Hollywood"
. Good composers thad conservatory training from their native lands - meaning they were good with classical music styles (in-depth knowledge)
. Some very popular composers: Max Striner, Erich Korngold, Branislua Kaper, Miklos Rosza, and Franz Waxman
. Max Striner: (1888-1971) Austrian immigrant, wrote over 300 film scores
. Erich Korngold: Austrian refugee, only scored 18 films in 12 years (under the best conditions)
. Max Striner and Erich Korngold "had an excellent grasp of harmony, melodic developement, and other compositional techniques..."
. After sound was added to films, the music had to interact with the dialogue of the actors
. During the 1950's new possibilities arose and other composers were introduced- like David Raksin and Bernard Herrmann
. David Raksin and Bernard Herrmann introdues elements like jazz

Chapter 5
. Max Striner, Erich Korngold, and Franz Waxman stayed with the early 19th century music and did not care for or opposed the newer musical styles of the 1950's
. Aaron Copland- world-reowned composer of ballet, symphonic, and chamber music (brought new and fresh ideas to the industry- captured the attention of Hollywood producers)
.The Arrival of Television- late 1940's
. At first many composers in Hollywood looked down on the new technology- went as far as to refuse to release their catalog of movies as TV stations
. They also didn't like it because sales went down from billions to millions of dollars over the course of 1946-1962
. Between 1955-1970 was the demise of the old studio system, because of the invention of TV and a "court decision citing antitrust laws that required the studios to break up their chains of self-owned theaters"
. Rock'n Roll began around the 1950's
.Dimitri Tiomkin and Ned Washington: 'Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darling'
. (Even more popular was) Henry Mancini's 1961 hit, 'Moon River".... Had a jazz background
. Henry Mancini's songs paved te way to new songs and possibilities

Chapter 6
. Films incorporated scores of many different styles and techniques such as pop/rock... Films becomes more modern to today
. TV underscores had heavy jazz and rock
. Audiences became accustomed to the change and composers took advantaged of it
. Orchestral Scores come back: 1974 Stephen Spielberg released his film 'Jaws' (Live, tradition orchestra)
. 1976: 'Star Wars' was released in American theaters (Live, tradition orchestra)
. 1982: Spielberg released 'E.T.'
. All releases were extremely popular and opened many doors for other composers
. Pop sounds, jazz, and Rock'n Roll continued to grow in films until it became more mainstream through the 1970's

Chapter 7
. The producer: oversees financial and organizational aspects, hiring everyone (from the actors to the electricians), makes a work schedule, is responsible for finances, and answers questions at movie studios that will release the film
. Producer Darryl Zanuck
. The Director: is the creative person of the project, decides what the film will say and look like, communicate the vision to everyone else and be strong enough to hold that vision, and oversees all the design elements of the film
. Director Ron Howard

. How to put a film together

  1. Get the idea for the film
  2. Get money and finances
  3. Hire creative and organized people to turn the idea into reality

. The 3 stages of a film’s production: preproduction, production, and post-production

. Post-production:

  1. Editing and assembling the film
  2. Music, sound effects, and dubbing

. Preproduction: inception (thinking of the idea or getting rights of a book), planning (getting money, writing the screenplay, hiring crew, scheduling, planning where to shoot), and development of an idea that can be turned into a film

. Production: is the actual shooting (can take weeks to months). It includes actor rehearsal, shooting the film, screening, special effects, footage editing, and dialogue soundtrack

. Editing: is when all the footage from the production is assembled into a coherent film; the film editor does this

Chapter 13

A film needs: craft (knowledge and analyzing of different types of music), intent and concept (knowing what to say along with the feeling and emotions expressed by the music. Thought and contemplation), knowing oneself (knowing what you are capable of, what you know you can and can not do, how willing you are, how much you want this), developing the concept for the score (the most successful scores have a concept that drives the music)

Chapter 14
. Physical Function involves: setting the location of the film, setting the time period, mickey-mousing, and intensifying the action
1. Setting the location= depending on the latcaion will be reflected in the music playing. They can have the score sound authentic to the location, or incorporate one or two elements of the enthnic music into an orchestral score
2. Setting the time period= The historical accuracy of the music to the correct time period. Can be lots of sounds or just a hint
3. Mickey-mousing= It is when the music mimics every action on the screen. It is a term reserved for hitting a lot of the action, not just one or two moments. Can be used as a comic device
4. Intensifying the action= Used mostly in action scenes. Such as, chasing scenes, fighting, suspenseful moments, and intense arguments between characters. They are all heightened with the appropriate music
. Music can assist the psycological and emotional impact of the film. It can trigger new ideas of thoughts. It is very important in films because it sets the overall mood of the score or an individual scene becomes important
. Music can help the viewer make a transition from one scene to the next
. Writing the dialogue cam be done in many ways. It is determind by any number of factors, including mood, pacing, the amount of sound effects, and the overall importance of the dialogue
. Played at the begining and ending, the main title's goal is to set the mood and tone of the film
. The end credits come at the end of the film and list all the people who worked on the film


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