Visual Music Project S.H.mp3 here is my art project hope you enjoy
Here is my visual art project it is based off a picture that i saw in the art show. The piece caught my eye because of the differemt shades of black and gray the artist used. Mys piece used the zt3a soft synth and the cakewalk tts1 soft synth. The song is sopposed to make you feel like a powerful force is comming towards you when you are not expecting it. I used a bass and a drum set. I tried to keep everything pretty consistent because i really want the listener to enjoy all the different soouds that are hidden in the piece. If you you listen closely you can hear the rumble of the bass and hear it slowly get higher in its register. Overall it was a simple piece to make but i used interestiing sounds that meshed perfectly together
just a little bit of a jazzy song that made fooling around with my computer jazzed up.mp3
here is my podcastSHislops Podcast.mp3
this month I listened to neworleans music and now using this knowledge I used it in my song here it is!!
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