
Ella G C

Page history last edited by Ella C 13 years, 9 months ago

This is the piece I am using for my new song. dance_ella.wmv

I chose this piece of art because of it's contradiction. Watercolors are usually of landscapes or scenery. They are usually very blended and quiet. The colors are purposely arranged in a spectrum to make the illusion that there is no separation of colors. This particular piece though is clearly not the traditional example of watercolor. The colors used are very distinct from one another. They are each bold against each other. The picture itself is very abstract as well. The two figures are very free looking and the black painted over them is very intriguing. This piece stood out to me incredibly. What I created was short nontonal piece to go with it. I used the idea of intervals and register to create it. Even though it is a short piece, I think it corresponds well with the art.

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