Sky's Overtone
here is my research on B.B. King
this is my 12 tone project with the picture it was based off of: Sky SW 12 tone

i chose this piece of art, because it seemed so real to me. the shadows are all shaded perfectly; it is extremely well sketched. i see a dark, sad place someone may go in their house to get away from stress. i started off my piece of
music with a soft, darkpiano sound, to show the sad side of Cellar. the bass comes in with a faster, yet still sad line, and the guitar backs the same line up to reinforce the feeling. the viola and trumpet finally come in with the fastest line, and they are panned to the two extremes to express many different problems in the person's life. the reflection in the window of the light bulb made me think of echo, and so the guitar and piano have lots of release, to make their sound last longer.
in my P 0 row, i used lots of third and sixth vectors, to show sad consonence, and instability. the piano is playing the first tetrachord in the P 0 row. the next instrument to come in is the bass, playing a line taken from the first hexachord, plus the next note. in row R 11. when the guitar comes in, it plays the same line. the trumpet plays the first three notes from the RI 9 row. countering it, the viola is playing the first three notes from row P 10. i decided it would be best not to add in any drums.
Comments (2)
Alexander Fiorentini said
at 2:56 pm on Nov 19, 2009
nice overtone, awsome technoness the drums esspecially
emma horn said
at 11:41 pm on Nov 19, 2009
i gotta say, this is probably my favorite overtone project. Props to you.
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