
Byron J

Page history last edited by Byron Johnson 14 years, 9 months ago

Here is my el project named Overtone.




Chuck Berry


Song #1: Johnny B. Goode /http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_Bd5-APPBw

#2: Maybellene /http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RAfxiyMKAk

#3:Let it Rock / http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wblCkfw0tk&feature=related


These are just a few songs describing Chuck Berry's style.  He has that repetitive sound stressing individual notes.  That is what I am also useing in my blues song.  Also, His lyrics usually talk about someone elses story which I will also try to do when I create my lyrics. Also, his guitar style has the lead but switches to rythem as he sings or is about to sing.  That is what my song consists of: rythem and leading notes depending on the part of the song.  Also my song is going ton be in the key of D.


My piece was intended to be in the style of Chuck Berry.  There was alot of stress on one note and also a few walkdowns.  The walkdowns always transfer into the classic blues rythem.  It was intended to be upbeat and happy.



My 12 tone piece:

     For my 12 tone serialism project I wanted to represent a story of my piece of art.  My art is a beautiful painting of a juice box.  My music was intended on telling a story of someone who is debating on whether or not to drink the misterious juice.  He needs to figure out if it's apple juice (his preference) or fruit punch (his none preference).  The first part is him figuring out if he is going to drink it.  The second part is that he had decided to drink it but he needs to figure out if it is apple juice or fruit punch.  The third part is when the juice is in his mouth and he is waiting for his taste buds to tell him.  And the last part is that he realises it isn't the prefered outcome he wanted.

     As for the actual notes in the piece I tried to hit the notes of the first line in my 12 tone list at least once.  I started with the first three notes of my Po line and continued with the first three notes of my Io line.  For the second part I then walked up line Po starting with Bflat and ending on F.  I then used repitition with the Bflat and Eflat to create color.  I then repeated this section of notes but using P10 instead of Po.  To create a feeling of uncertainty I used the next four notes of my Po line that I haven't used yet and seperated each note octives apart.  Then to create a sense of distraught, I used my last two notes and hit then back and fourth to conclude uncomfortablness.

Comments (2)

Kate Berry said

at 9:55 pm on Dec 7, 2009

your podcast is very amusing

Kate Berry said

at 9:58 pm on Dec 7, 2009

also, i like your overtone project, its really nice and chillaxed

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