
Sonic Voyages III - Set List and Notes

Page history last edited by Jim Thomas 13 years ago

Symbols: ^=missing video -have student re-submit to SVII folder for Video Crew
@=Live performance -** Stage/Sound/Video/Lighting Crews **special attention required

 6:00-6:30 Doors closed Pre-show final production checks

Video - test playlist, projector and sound connections

Sound - test Mains, monitors and mics, balance all levels in auditorium and on stage

Stage - cables taped down at on/off stage traffic areas - power connections secured (tape main power connects),

Lights - test run 3 Primary sets - 1. All Dark, 2. Front and Mid Blue/Soft White (with and w/out spots in L/Ctr/R), 3. Full Performer Lighting mix

Greeters -Ushers : Concert Programs at the ready for guests, practice talking points about concert & class, CD's On Sale table (cash box handler)

Room Crew - Set up trifold displays for those assembled at entrance lobby, floors, isles and seats clean and clear


6:30 PM Opening/Seating Music

Sound crew playback opening music - medium volume / Lights up in Auditorium/ Stage curtains closed

28 minutes of pre-concert seating music


6:58 PM Cell phones and safety announcement


7:00 PM Sharp - Stage Dark Lights Down auditorium Curtains open - Begin Video playlist

Set List notes: Music arranged in set list according to logical flow and balance of moods, interweaving performance with video. Our goal is a set having smooth transitions, good variety and achieving maximum effect at the concert climax and finale.


8:30 PM Sharp - Concert ending, all students up front for final bow (and pictures).


8:40-8:55 PM Sharp - All crews work to clean up - equipment is removed from stage and packed in Mr.D's Classroom. Clean up crew removes displays and tables from hallway and packs them away into Music Tech room or offstage wings.


Congratulations!, Go home, sweet dreams...



 TennesseMoonFINALVERSION.mp3 (James Cerone) Video: Tennesse Moon.MSWMM

kokle.mp3 -Kenzie S- not finished ^ @

Untitled 9/8 - Brendan Tang (Liam Bikerts)

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