
Concert Pieces - Advanced class

Page history last edited by John DiTomaso 13 years, 2 months ago

For our January 25th concert production , advanced student projects are to include live performers in the concert.

  • The recording should be submitted next week (Dec 12-14).
  • Parts for performers will be printed out (Dec 13-16) 
  • given to live performers (Dec 19-20) and rehearsals will begin after vacation.


Suggested Genres:

Animated short soundtrack

Comedy Song/ Parody / Fake Commercial

Spoken Word or Poetry with Music

Modified Speech with music (Auto tune)


Blues roots or Jazz influenced

Rave/ Techno/ Dance Music

World music - Ethnic rhythms, scales and/or instruments

Popular style: Reggae, Alternative, Rock, Punk, Funk, Ballad, etc.

Broadcast music - Theme song for a tv show, movie or product commercial

Political or Public Service theme

Song created using AHS recorded sound samples - from our archived guest and concert recordings

Childrens Music - Lullabye, playful song, learning song (ala "Schoolhouse rock")

Movie scene music/Music video

Music Concrete: Soundscape of effects / Sound collage /Experimental electronic music


  • For program notes and displays, a brief descriptive essay is also required consisting of two well written paragraphs per song, using terminology learned and concepts developed in class.

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