Chapter 1 summary:
. Music has always been one with other art forms, especially drama. Dating back to even the times of the early Roman and Greek dramas, music and choirs were used to acompany many plays.
. Although both the music and drama are seperate art forms, they compliment each other in such a manor that the outcome is far greater than each of the arts seperately.
. It wasn't until after the early 19 hundreds that film scroing became a popular idea.
. The invention of fake books was revolutionary and popular because it created a musical script easy to follow for any musician.
Chapter 2 summary:
. Movie makers began to realize that music helped better portray the emotions and feelings that the writers attempted to get across to the audience.
. Although this idea grew in popularity, it was expensive and difficult to preform well, using music would cause a blip or a jump in the audio.
.This however did not stop movie makers from persuing the idea of adding music to films and between 1927 and 1931, it was clear that progression was being made.
Chapter 3 summary:
. Studio system. (MGM)
. Movies became increasingly popular.
. 65% of all americans went to the movie thearters at least once a week
. In the 1920's the studios had music departments.
. The head of the music department would often be a composer.
. The composer would always have to know the schedule of the movie.
Chapter 4 summary:
. 1930's-50's considered the golden age of hollywood.
. 18th and 19th century composers wrote songs that would prove to become popular among movie goers later on during this period.
Chapter 5 summary:
.Romantic styled music continued until after the 50's.
.After the 50's some jazz and rock was used in flims.
.During the 1950's and 60's many new notable and revolutionary composers came along and changed the world of film scoring.
Chapter 6 summary:
.As times changed, filmscoring did to.
. Rock/pop songs became of popular use during the 1960's and 70's.
. This was in an attempt to modernize the films as society was going through a revolution and rebellion against the conformities of social repression of the time. It was at this time that peopel began to dress diffrently and rebel agaisnt elders. This was also the time of the sexual revolution.
. As young America became more edgy, the music did too. In an attempt to keep up with the times, films were often directed to a younger audience and accompinied by rock and roll songs.
Chapter 7 summary:
. The actual creation of a film is extremely complex and requires much effort as well as many people. For example one film may require writers, actors, camera men, painters, make up artists and many many more!!!
. While these groups all work to achieve the same goal, they work more secluded from eachother than the average filmwatcher may think.
. The producer oversees the finnancial and organizational aspects of the film. This person supervises the hiring of everyone from director and actors to carpenters and electricians.
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