
Spring Concert Image Quest

Page history last edited by John DiTomaso 11 years, 9 months ago

Our Spring Showcase Concert is on May 30th 2013.  The day before seniors leave.


The theme of the concert is collaborative music, the sometimes surprising places that musical interaction takes us, and how we are changed because of it.


Programs, posters and in-concert video mixing requires images (still picture and some video as well) for the multimedia presentation of our music during this event.


Your assignment is:

Part I -  to find at least four images that relate to this overarching concert theme and may also relate to the specific piece of yours which you are preparing for the concert.


Post the links in a comment below and include your reason for choosing each along with how it might be used.


Part II - Research the idea of creative commitment and report in your Journal what it is to you and how it relates to the concert theme, specifically regarding one of the projects that you have recently undertaken.


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