
Notation - Writing music

Page history last edited by John DiTomaso 10 years ago


Review Class notes on Music Notation and Writing for Violin

Thurs Jan 29 - Notation basics


Our guest Ricardo Odriozola will be in town Mon  Feb 23rd


Our goals:

  1. For each student in Music Tech to have the opportunity to hear and record Ricardo playing a notated violin line that they have composed.

           *Notated musical ideas are due by Friday 2/13 (before vacation) - students may continue refining ideas over vacation if the choose. - potential extra credit for quality & quantity

  1.  Each student will get a chance to hear Mr. Odriozola's own musical story, to understand more about musicianship in general and the Violin in particular directly from Ricardo's story and playing examples.
  2. To interview and film Mr Odriozola and co-produce the first episode of our AHS Music Tech guest artist series with the help of ACMI Studio B.


Music Paper - Grid - for use when notating by hand


Transcribing Music - a great set of tips and a great FREE music notation software "Musescore" -

Unfortunately they don't mention Reaper as a great tool - but you already know how to use it for slowing down recordings without changing pitch. Just import the audio file and either ALT-stretch or change tempo


Music Notation Programs -

 Free online resources for creating, storing and sharing beautifully notated music

MuseScore - please use this program for your assignment - notating musical ideas for Ricardo to play and record (due Friday 2/13) 





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